Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Who Should Look Out for the Safety of Computer Users?

As computers have become more widely used by teens and young adults for communicating and socializing, problems associated with this new means of communication have emerged. The problems include bullying and inappropriate contact between adults and minors.

Our textbook includes some questions and points of view to consider which I've listed below.
  • Some parents claim that the government should intervene to ensure better monitoring of inappropriate behavior.
  • While some private companies have stepped up monitoring, they often claim that they are not responsible for the behavior of individuals, and parents and individuals should be responsible for inappropriate actions.
  • Many teens and young adults feel that the problems are simply a matter of personal responsibility and following some simple guidelines, such as the "golden rule."
  • Should the companies that provide the service to teens and young adults be required to monitor and stop inappropriate or socially unacceptable behavior?
  • What role should parents play in overseeing their child's involvement in computer use?
  • Should police or other government authorities be responsible for maintaining order in this situation in the same way they are charged with maintaining order in society in general?
I believe companies that provide services to teens and young adults should be required to monitor and stop inappropriate or socially unacceptable behavior. I do not see a distinction between a physical place, like an entertainment venue, and a virtual space. No one would argue that the company providing a physical space for entertainment and commerce that is geared toward children and teens (adults too) isn't responsible for what happens inside their space. In the same way, a virtual social network should be monitored by the owners for inappropriate behavior.

There are challenges in monitoring a virtual space that don't exist in a physical location. One challenge might be the large number of computer users engaged in the social platform that would make it difficult to monitor. However, I believe that is the cost of doing business.

I believe the role of government is to provide the proper and reasonable guidelines and legislation that companies can follow in order to provide the services they desire in a safe manner. Might the cost of doing business be increased due to regulations? Yes. But who would argue the elimination of food inspections because of the increased cost to businesses and consumers.

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