Thursday, July 15, 2010


The most interesting things I've learned during my three semesters so far in Library School have been about myself.
  1. I don't like deadlines. They seem so arbitrary and they unnaturally pace the work differently than my brain would have paced the work.
  2. 15 (and even 12) week terms are too long.
  3. It's hard to stay motivated about doing great school work. I like learning, but I don't like many of the assignments (this isn't a particular comment on this term.)
  4. I like talking to my classmates and instructors. Sadly, there isn't enough of this.
  5. I've done a lot of work and learning that I'm proud of.
  6. I've turned in some assignments that I'm not so proud of. This is a positive too because it's been a good thing to recognize that learning is a process, not just something that's turned in as an assignment.
  7. I like the process more than results. I'm happiest when I'm assessed on the process, rather than simply the end result.
  8. That's it for now.

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