Saturday, June 5, 2010

Comments about assignments

LIS 2600 assignments have been a pleasure to complete. I've enjoyed the practicality of the latest Jing assignment and foresee using that technology in the future. I'm a little anxious about the midterm exam because I'm not sure what it might cover. There seems to be quite a bit of information over the past 10 chapters of the textbook and I'm having trouble identifying the most important parts. My hope is that the review this week in class will put me on a good path for success on the midterm exam.

LIS 2000 has been a challenge. Critical thinking and reading large amount of material can be a real challenge. I'm sure the latest essay on scholarly communication is the most difficult assignment I've ever done in my school career. The fact that there were three books to read along with the requirement of an additional six outside sources has made it challenging and I fear not having made decent connections.

I think the reason writing this latest essay in LIS 2000 has been so challenging is that I didn't have a clear road map or outline for the essay before I started. I've also not had to write many essays in school before. In contrast, the Double Fold essay was practically written in my mind before I started. I think I can handle short essays with at most one book and a few outside sources where a thesis can be formed much easier. The biggest challenge I'm having is critically analyzing what I've read and figuring out what the influence is on scholarly communication.

The advice I'm giving myself is that this is the first time I've tried an assignment like this and that going through the process will make it easier the next time.
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